Stray Dog Strut

Chapter 4

May 6th, 2024

The stairway transitions without you knowing it. Where before there had been a tangible doorway into the Sunshower Grove, leaving it seems much more gradual.

You don't even realize it until the brightness of the Grove fades into dim, familiar shades of acid-washed gray and green. Your paws touch mossy stone until they don't. Your lungs breathe in the freshness of the Grove's sweet air until acrid waste hits your throat instead and makes you want to cough. Ash curls under your toes, and early evening descends into late evening.

Darkness swirls everywhere but ahead. There's a coastal dome there, less than a mile forward.

New Argos.

Kyukusabi is nowhere to be found, but you don't need them. You know where you need to go, and so you do. Grouped together with those you love and trust, you ensure everyone makes it there.

And they do.

It's instinctive, you think. Or maybe you're just lucky. You know exactly where to put your paws underneath this terrible Wasteland sky, and you end up exactly where you need to be.

A train speeds past with the blare of its horn. It's far enough away that you don't fear it, but close enough that you can watch as it slows, its gears grinding and squealing as it eases into the city from a different angle. Humans swarm it in an instant, chattering in words you don't understand. There are armored vehicles everywhere you look, and all the sounds of a bustling city reach your ears.

New Argos is full of life, and you can only hope that it's good life. Friendly life.

Though you know it isn't.

You're so caught up in the sights, sounds, and smells– and maybe even deciding what to do next; where to go, how to get in– that you almost miss the approach of another.

The ground shakes, thundering in a way that you've never heard before. You jerk your head towards the noise, prepared for the worst, but as you begin to crouch low, ready to race away or attack, you see nothing along the nearby hillsides. Waves crash on distant shores, but this isn't the same.

Then, from the closest hillside, a great form surges upwards in your direction. They're several times your size, with a long, sloping nose whose nostrils flare wide with the effort of running. Upon their paws are firm, powerful hooves, and their pelt is a mixture of long and short, in many shades of dappling gray. It's the fur in particular that gives you room for pause, amidst the strangeness of them. Those of you who have been on this journey from the beginning feel like you've seen those colors before, somewhere. It feels like it's been awhile since then.

But you think you would remember a horse.

"You knew." The horse speaks, and for those who have endured the entire journey, you realize that you do know them, if in another form. "You couldn't have known, but you did. Curious."

With their odd mouth they smile, and then in a poof of teal fog the horse is gone.

In its place is none other than a very grown up-looking Xeran.

Objective: Find the Worldender


This Chapter has a posting requirement! You must post at least 5 times during the course of the Chapter, or else your character will be killed and you'll be removed from the campaign. That said, there is no length requirement for posts!

If you're unable to make the 5 posts required due to life reasons, please reach out to a Staff member ASAP!

Additionally, where in Chapters prior you could make 10+ posts over the course of the Chapter to Level Up in the following Interim, in this Chapter if you are Level 4 already, then you will not be able to Level Up due to those 10+ posts (but those who are Level 3 and below can!). Level 5 will remain locked through Chapter 4 and Interim 4. With that said, in lieu of no Level Up to Level 5, there will still be a reward at the end of the Chapter for those who make 10+ posts. Characters who are already Level 4 will be able to claim it if they choose, while characters who are Level 3 and below will also have the option to claim it instead of a Level Up.


Every Team will have three Channels to themselves in the main server. There will be an OOC Channel for casual conversation and planning, a Pings Channel for pinned Google Doc links and for Players to ping their team when they've posted, and a Miniterim channel for use during the Chapter's lone Miniterim..

The only people with access to these Channels will be the team themselves, as well as the GM (Fox), the Admins (Okibi & Narl), and any Mods assisting with that team's Checkpoints (Robyn & Sleepy). Make sure to heed the rules pinned in the OOC Channel!


Updates will come in the form of Checkpoints on each team's individual doc! Every character is allowed 1 action and 1 bonus action per Checkpoint. Use them wisely! Staff Members will interpret your actions behind the scenes, and include the outcome in the following Checkpoint. Don't assume an action has an automatic effect unless specified by a Staff Member!

If you need help determining what constitutes an Action and a Bonus Action, please refer to the Game Mechanics Google doc linked here. It's also linked in the Resources channel on the website!


This is the first Chapter where we will be using more complex mechanics like Dodge Class, HP, Status Conditions, and Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities. Please make sure to keep up with your character's HP, Dodge Class, and Status Conditions in particular as best you can (and make sure that they're included and visible in your Posting Template)! The Staff will not be actively tracking any of that for you, so we're trusting that you'll keep your character's information as up to date and accurate as possible.

As always, if you need help, please feel free to reach out in the ask-questions channel, a ticket, or in a Staff Member's DMs!


Get involved and have fun! ❤ As always, if you need help, please feel free to reach out to a Staff Member and we'll do our best.

The Lost & The Fallen

The fates of these character vary, but for one reason or another they are no longer apart of your fable.



  • All TPE rules apply.
  • Don't share active docs with anyone other than your teammates. Inactive Google Docs will be moved to the Archive, where they can be accessed at any time.
  • Make sure your template meets the guidelines as described here.
  • Please wait at least 2 posts or 24 hours after your's before posting again.


  • Bela
  • Deianira
  • Poppy (E)
  • Rat
  • Reverie
  • Vesper
  • Zenaida


  • Alba
  • Hansel
  • Nevermore
  • Sarabia
  • Vellichor
  • Wormwood
  • Yura


  • Branwen
  • Declan
  • Duchess
  • Empress
  • Helio
  • Junebug
  • Ophelia


  • Archie
  • Eurydice
  • Jesper
  • Lamb's Ear
  • Levana
  • Neo
  • Ylva


  • Grimoire
  • Marble
  • Nautilus
  • Orca
  • Seth
  • Silhouette
  • Tygra


  • Atlas
  • Eros
  • Gilde
  • Maverick II
  • Passerine
  • Traveler


  • Edison
  • Hawke
  • Jackson
  • Mallory
  • Phyllite
  • Vega


  • Elio
  • Emmett
  • Marigold
  • Reaper
  • Roost
  • Russell


  • Javelin
  • Kassim
  • Lesath
  • Mantis
  • Muninn
  • Whitaker


  • Akuji
  • Allistor
  • Milou
  • Olimar
  • Requiem
  • Wolfie


  • Glass
  • Journey
  • Princess
  • Raven
  • Ridley
  • Vico


  • Alaska
  • Fallowmire
  • Holiday
  • Jackie
  • Ravindra
  • Ursa


  • 27
  • Brightly
  • Friday
  • Kitty
  • Mephisto
  • Poppy (G)
  • Solivagant

What Do I Do Next?
Once you've read this page sit tight and wait for your team roles to be assigned on the Discord. When your team role has been assigned, you'll have access to the two team-specific Channels as mentioned above. Read through the rules posted in the OOC Channel, and then hop on over to the Pings Channel for a link to your team's Google Doc. Once you have that link you're all set and can post as soon as you want!