Leveling Up

Leveling up is how your character becomes stronger and more in control of their Soul Class and its abilities. While Level 0 capabilities are absolute, the powers for levels 1 through 5 are not, and can be bent to include a variety of expressions of these powers. These are simply examples of the max power that the character possesses at this level.

Navigate to the Soul Classes page and select a Class to be taken to a page that lists what that Class can do at every level!

All characters will start at Level 0, but those with a higher stat in their corresponding Soul Class stat will have some measure of higher level powers available to them from the start. More information on this can be found on the Drawbacks page.

Over the course of the campaign, your character will level up naturally if a post criteria is met during each Chapter. That is, if you post 10 or more posts during a single Chapter, then you can consider your character leveled up once the Chapter is complete and the interim has begun. There will be a designated channel for logging these level ups, which will be recommended, but not required!

For people who aren't able to meet this criteria during the coinciding Chapters, or people who want to level up faster, you'll be able to level up during any following interim or Chapter by submitting literature or art that meets these criteria as outlined below:

Lvl 0 to Lvl 1: "Who are you when no one is watching?"

Lvl 1 to Lvl 2: "What does your Soul Class mean to you?"

Lvl 2 to Lvl 3: "How do you define Paradise?"

Lvl 3 to Lvl 4: "Who made you who you are today?"

Lvl 4 to Lvl 5: "Prompt"
Unlocked at the start of Interim 5 (post-Chapter 5)

Prompts will be released as we reach those points in the Campaign.

Additionally, you can delay the in-character effects of a level up at your discretion. Just because the power is available to them, doesn't mean they have to use it right away!

Lastly, regardless of how it is you level up, every time you level up you'll be granted +1 stat point to be placed in any stat that you want, for a total of 5 extra stat points when leveled up completely. This will far from be the only way you'll gain stats over the course of the campaign, but it is the most predictable and reliable way.